
Minosis is a cryptocurrency mining company that allows users to join mining pools to earn rewards, provides mining software, and sources mining hardware. As Minosis is a publicly traded company, the owners of the platform wanted to try an innovative approach to help its community progress and add provide value to the shareholders. Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain have the potential to streamline almost every industry. And while Minosis itself is a mining company, there is a limit to how much innovation can be brought into the mining of existing cryptocurrencies. To deliver the most value to our stakeholders, our team has come up with the Minosis token project that will act as a deflationary hedge for the shares of the Minosis company and also aid in promoting the platform in the long-term. The specifics of how the token will achieve this will be outlined in this document.

But, in nutshell, the team will market the token to gain the necessary momentum and use the revenue generate from the token to conduct regular buybacks. This will, in turn, create a deflationary effect on the shares of Minosis and the overall value of the company will increase. It is to be noted and will be clearly outlined in this document that although the purpose of the Minosis token is to aid the Minosis company and its cryptocurrency mining platform, it is not a security, and ownership of the Minosis token does not give its holder any ownership or equity in the Minosis company. The project is an experimental effort to create new opportunities for the community and increase the overall value our community gets.

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